Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From exciting and awesome to meh.

Greetings from Terre Haute, Indiana! Last night Mitch and I spent the night at the wonderful Red Carpet Motel in Niagara Falls, which I do not recommend. The price was right but the motel was not, and the continental breakfast amounted to a few coffee machines and some powdered donuts from an Irving. Regardless I was so glad that we decided to go that extra bit further to stay in Niagara Falls, I'd been in High School but seeing the falls was a great way to start a long day of driving. Besides, how many people can say that they've been to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon in the same week? Sadists, that's who.

The driving was actually very easy today, and aside from getting into Columbus right around rush hour, we were able to make good time. One hilarious side note, if you have the means to visit Ripley, New York I highly recommend it. Ripley is at the western tip of upstate and is a world that time forgot. I think it was the laundromat/auto repair combi and the fact that the moment we stepped out of the car the air raid siren went off. Apparently it was to announce the arrival of a massive freight train but Mitch and I both thought the Soviets were invading. Otherwise the driving was fine, if you have the means Ohio is worth the drive. The highways are good and there are a lot of things to see. And for the record, if you're buying 10 billboards in a row to advertise your RV business at the Indiana border, try to have an acceptable last name (I'm looking at you, Tom Raper).

I've posted a map on the side of the blog to show everyone our path cross-country. Tomorrow the plan is to make it to Fort Leonard Wood and visit our friend James who's in the army where we'll be staying until Friday and then it's on to the Grand Canyon. At that point Mitch and I will have memorized the words of Lady Gaga's "Allihandro" and will be pros on Rush's weekly talking points.

Happy Trails!

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