This is going to be a short entry, fair warning.
Today was the last class of my first level class at the Groundlings when we were told whether we would be going on to the next level or told to retake the first level. I was given good news and told that I would be going on to the next level of classes, which is fantastic. My teacher Kevin was very helpful and told me that even though he was moving me on there were a few skills to focus on and to make sure I get down pat as the next classes start. Improv at this point is an always evolving skill so I appreciate the faith Kevin showed in me and respect his opinion in regards to my level of skill.
In all honesty though I was really sad to see the first level end. The group of people I was taking classes with were all really terrific. They all represented the first group of (dare I say) friends I had when I moved here. I will miss them all terrifically. The picture up top was taken by one of the students who is a photographer on the side and is pretty great. What you can't tell is that he has a really nice camera and the picture has a really high resolution, you'll have to take my word on it.
Anyway, tomorrow is some more job searching. Today I had my second interview at In n Out Burger which I thought went really well. They were looking for "bubbly" and I think I delivered. I think it's a good sign when you hardly talk about the job at all and just make friends with the lady who's interviewing you. If she wanted friendly I'll give her friendly damnit. She said I should be hearing from them by Monday if they want me to come in for a third (third!?) interview. For God's sake, In n Out is like applying to the FBI, if I get the job I better be getting back rubs every hour on the hour. I still have my interview to test video games on Tuesday and I'll be calling back a few of the places I've been applying to in the past couple days, we'll see. Tomorrow night I'm going down to Culver City to help my friend Mike break in his new apartment and meet some new people. I'm think it will be like a college party with more hipsters and "actors", should be fun.
On a side note, if you absolutely must buy a folk rock album, make it Mumford and Sons. I was given a copy by my friend Jon back in NH before I left and hadn't really gotten into them until now, but they're awesome, give them a shot.
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