Thursday, August 12, 2010

I have some awesome friends

Well I have once again left Mitch at Burbank airport and set off alone back to Studio City. Mitch got on his way on Tuesday after missing his flight on Monday, he had managed to read the second flight on his itinerary and we got to the airport much too late. So we hung out for another night and he took off Tuesday morning. At my Groundlings class we had a replacement for our normal teacher Kevin. This new teacher Colleen was actually a little more helpful to me, she's a bit more direct and clear-cut. I don't dislike Kevin but it was refreshing to learn from a new teacher. Tomorrow is my last day of classes and I find out whether Kevin suggests I move up to the next level of classes or whether I need to retake the first level. Frankly either one presents a bit of a problem. As I don't have a job, retaking the first level is not an option since I can't afford to pay for class again. But if I do move on and I take the classes than I have to find a work schedule that works around the classes. Hopefully I can take night classes this time.

Speaking of finding work, being unemployed sucks. I am beginning to panic and on some level regret my choice of moving out here. For one thing I now have much less money then if I had just stayed in New Hampshire. For another I've just set myself months back in a job search if I do need to move home. Everyone says it's who you know and not what you know, but I don't know what to do if I don't know anyone? Finding a job is now keeping me up at night and is making me like this city less. I know I'm just getting bitter, but I hate the fact that employment is the deciding factor in chasing a dream.

That said I feel like I'm doing a little better finding a job now that I was a few weeks ago. I have an interview at In n Out Burger tomorrow and I have another interview on Tuesday as, get this, a video game tester. The hours would suck but they pay overtime and it would at least be a steady gig. I spent today going up and down Studio City just filling out applications wherever I could. Something has to stick, at least that's what I'm hoping.

When I got back though I had a great surprise. My friend Jon (or maybe his mom) sent me a "nerd survival package" of 5 or so comic books and handwritten note. It was unexpected and really made my day, reminding me that whether things work out here or not, I have friends back home and going back to NH wouldn't be the absolute end of the world.

1 comment:

  1. It's just a bump in the road. You'll get some kind of a job. No wife , no kids, you don't need a lot of money. Keep your chin up.
