Tomorrow is the first true audition I'll have out here, which I guess makes me a true LA resident. I'll be auditioning to enter into the first level of classes at the Groundlings improv troupe. I've heard differing things about the experience being in the troupe, but I'm hopeful that my years of experience in my college troupe will make me look confident and comfortable on stage. You can be sure I'll let you know.
Today I also did an open mic at a reasonable local club on Ventura Blvd. I thought I did fairly well, but it's always hard to tell with the amount of people who show up at an open mic. The organizer actually wanted to book me to do a spotlight show but the show would be self-promoting and since I don't know anyone in the city I would be pretty much out of luck. So I took his card and promised to call him when I have friends.
Tomorrow if I can make it, there's also another audition at the Pasadena Ice Box to get put on the main stage for a 10 minute set. It's sort of an open mic with feedback, so it should be a good experience even if I don't get selected.
This is a bit of a short entry so hopefully the photo of the Grand Canyon at sunset at the top will tide everyone over.
Good luck with the audition!