Monday, July 5, 2010

Got in!

Well today I got some good news, I made it past the auditions and I'm officially taking classes at the Groundlings theater! It couldn't have come at a better time either as the next set of classes start tomorrow. I did a rush registration and tomorrow at 10 I'm heading down to Hollywood to have some fun. This seems like a great start because now I've got my improv taken care of, stand-up is ongoing, and now all that's left is finding a job. Poop.

Anyway, today I met Eric of who's taking classes at iO West. We met at the iO and caught their weekly show Armando which was excellent. I wish money was no object and I could take classes at as many places as I wanted. Eric mentioned that iO had an internship program where you could work for them in return for taking some classes. I'll give that a shot. The club seemed very chill, they had a great bar where people would go to hang out and Eric introduced me to some very friendly people, even someone from New Hampshire!

Anyway, tomorrow is classes and then perhaps an open mic, we shall see. Hope everyone had a happy and safe fourth.

Happy Trails!

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