A hooker. Yey!
Alright sorry for the cheap joke, but it does say a lot about the comedian lifestyle that instead of going out and partying like I might have in college I instead drive over to Glendale so I could do an open mic. It went alright I guess, I tried some new stuff and some worked and some didn't. The room was actually pretty nice so I'm gonna try to go back a few more times.
Frankly for the past two days my whole life has been absorbed with living through my awful sunburns. I managed to sit for an hour in the LA sun on Wednesday and my upper arms are just waiting to bubble over and explode. Like I said on Wednesday, I will definitely not be making that mistake again. It's hard to sleep, it's hard to wear a shirt, and a shower is torture. I feel like sunburns are one of the few instances where your body works extra hard to make sure you feel how bad something is for you. If you eat a lot of salt it could be years until you have a heart attack but for all that time you won't even think anything is wrong. A sunburn is immediate punishment for giving yourself skin cancer.
Anyway, today I got a call from Mitch (the kid I drove out with) and he will be coming to stay with me next week. Mitch got a call from Kyle Ceese who he opened for a few years back about a comedy seminar next week and invited Mitch to come. Lucky for Mitch he knows someone (me) who lives in the area. I'd love to go myself but unfortunately I have my classes during the day and I just can't afford it. But I'm sure Mitch will do well there, and hopefully get some connections going here in the city.
This weekend won't be too exciting, I've got my show again this Sunday, and hopefully a free comedy show tomorrow night. Today is the one month mark of getting here and aside from not having a job I've really enjoyed myself. I like having opportunities wherever I go and it's exciting. I really hope I can find a job in the next couple weeks because that would mean that I could stick around here. I really want to be able to give myself as long as possible to make it work. I feel like 3 months just isn't enough for LA.
Anyway, Happy Trails!
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