Sunday, June 20, 2010

Setting out!

Well today is the big day. Roughly around 10ish I'll be leaving Bow NH for a long while and heading out on the open road in search of fame and fortune. I'll be driving with another UNH improv alum Mitch and hopefully we'll have lots of adventures and excitement along the way. Some stops that we're already planning: Worcester for Parker and Amy, Fort Leonard Wood Missouri for PFC Hart, Grand Canyon, and Vegas. That's all tentative, we don't mind if we get side tracked on the way, I'd like to see if we could catch a Reds game for instance, and I'm certainly going to find a nice soccer bar on Wednesday morning to watch the US run through Algeria like crap through a goose (movie reference!).

If anyone's got any recommendations for places to stop on the way place let us know! This is particularly pertinent for the stretch from Oklahoma to Arizona, where both Mitch and I are complete outsiders and have no idea what to go see. So just leave a comment at the bottom of the blog with suggestions, or find me on Facebook if you happen to already know me. I'll try to update as often as I can, but no promises that it will be every single night, we may be camping out some nights and obviously will have no internet.

Happy Trails!

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